Forex: was the abbreviation from foreign exchange. The term that more was known in Indonesia to be the exchange of foreign currency/foreign currency. Forex online was the exchange transaction of foreign currency that was done through the internet media.
The business forex online now often had been known and involved in by the individual. Because relative internet access was easy and to enter to the business forex online too much was not difficult, then this business became the choice that was appropriate as the producer income.
The transaction trick forex online, was bought in the price that as low as possible and sold in the expensive price. Important to know when during that was exact entered the market or open position and when during not open position. This was valid was good for the position sell/sold (short position) and the position buy/bought (long position). Short and long position was the position open in the other term sold/bought. In the column running price Marketiva this position was acknowledged as the position bid (the column sell) and the position offer (the column buy). From the column running price this trader could observe the value of the movement some scanned in a realtime manner. Apart from running price, the movement scanned also could be observed through the graph. Especially the graph (chart), the movement scanned could be observed per 5 minutes (M5), per 30 minutes (M30), per 1 hour (H1), per 4 hours (H4),Daily or per 1 day (D1), per 1 week (W1) and per 1 month (MN). Observed chart better used chart the kind candlestick (CS), because chart the kind candlestick this also could be made the implement to analis the condition for the price (travel by or descended).
Followed the business forex online too much was not difficult. Only with internet access and 1 computer unit or laptop then this business could have been undertaken. The problem of capital of investment, now forex online had many choices. The number of values deposit was not required high or was determined. Marketiva as the broker forex online in fact provided capital of early $5 real money as the registration bonus (clearer could be seen in the page of Marketiva Bonus $5). The fact is the business forex online was the business that high risk-high return, meaning that this business involved a high risk but his consequences this business also had the value of the high profit of the return also. Could the person (trader) only in several minutes Got the profit that many times over, was the reverse could trader in this business only several minutes experienced the very big loss. This condition made trader must be careful and thorough in carrying out the transaction. If having knowledge that was adequate in this business, then the possibility of the loss will be increasingly small.
Generally trader to the business forex online this before must have the analysis capacity of the movement scanned (the foreign currency couple) that was traded in. The analysis method that often was used trader had two methods: the analysis tecnical and the fundamental analysis.
The analysis teknikal referred in the analysis that was helped by indicators that were provided in the form of the computer program. Marketiva personally offered many indicators in software streamster to help the capacity trader in analysing the movement scanned.
The fundamental analysis was the analysis that referred in the financial data of a country and factors that influenced finance of this country. This data biasany could be seen in news or the news of currency/finance of a country. The news that release had the impact or impact certain, usually was classed in three transaction impact, that is; high impact (high), the medium impact (while) and low impact (low). To access the fundamental news could visit the site: the Forexlight Suggestion: If the beginner who wanted to be involved in the business forex online, studied about the analysis method teknikal and fundamental. After that the test and sharpened the analysis capacity with used virtual money (money virtual that was provided by Marketiva). Counted The percentage of the return of capital and the profit. If being ready, just began with realmoney (money for real investment) in the small number previously. Referred in the suggestion most trader that for a long time the business forex online, used realmonye totalling 10% of the capital for OP (open position).
The other suggestion, outside studied the analysis teknikal and fundamental, trader also must have money management (the management of finance) that was good. Money management was needed because of the business forex online that was high risk - high return.
Money management covered how many funds that were invested for this business, how many percent of the fund that transaction, how when OP was wrong the direction (was contrary to the direction pegerakan the price), and how respond to loss (the loss) and the profit (the profit). Studied money management and greetings the success.